Sunday, March 1, 2009

Do we really know our Honky-Tonk Heroes that well?

Country Music is expanding rapidly.
Today it embraces many new talents, new faces, new elements...
Some hate it,
Some love it...
This blog is simply wanting you to hang around,
taking it easy and keeping up some trivia that I've got...
Cause, when we love this genre and adore those singers
it's essential to look upon ourself and ask:
"Do we really know our Honky Tonk heroes that well?"

I hope you could gear up your knowledge here!

-ricky jefrian-

1 comment:

  1. When you said George wore a white hat on more than 25 albums, I have not attempted to count that but it sounds like you may be including straw hats into the white hat category. I don't think he wore "white" hats on that many. Actually, the term white hat is a misnomer. The color of felt hat he wears that is light colored is called Silver Belly. The straws can't be thrown into any category. They should be a category of their own as they are common summertime wear in the southwestern part of the country where it gets too hot for felt. George wears black felt, silver belly felt, and panama straw. Lately, I have not seen him wear much in the way of silver bellies.
